Sunday, March 26, 2006

seal hunt

i'm not going to show you the video of the seal slaughter going on in Canada right now. I saw it, and almost threw up. You can find it if you want. But its yet another affromt to fight against.


21044 Sherman Way ..211
Canoga Park, CA 91302
phone: 818.932-9997
fax: 818.932-9998

For Immediate Release
March 25, 2005 Contact Dr. Jerry Vlasak-310 251-0259

Anti-Sealing Activist & NAALPO Press Officer Traveling to Canada to Surrender

Warrant Issued Last Month After Conviction for Approaching a Seal Killer on the Ice Floes Last March

Somewhere on the US-Canadian Border- As the annual Canadian seal slaughter kicks off today, Dr. Jerry Vlasak, one of three press officers with the North American Animal Liberation Press Office is on his way to Prince Edward Island, Canada to surrender to authorities. After their arrest and conviction last year opposing the seal slaughter in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, arrest warrants were issued last month for eleven anti-sealing activists arrested last March 31st 2005; they were charged and convicted of violating the inappropriately named "Canadian Seal Protection Act", after approaching a seal killer and attempting to dialogue with him and convince him to stop bludgeoning the newborn baby seals to death with his “hak-a-pik..”

During their attempt on the ice flows to film the futility and cruelty of killing baby seals, ostensibly for their negative impact on the codfish population--but in reality for a profit and greed-Dr. Vlasak was punched in the nose and ten other Sea Shepherd Conservation Society crew were assaulted violently by the captain and crew of the Brady Mariner in Newfoundland. Despite extensive video documentation, none of the seal killers were arrested or charged. After a bench trial last December, the eleven activists were ordered to pay $1000C; they have refused to pay the fine and were sentenced to 22 days in custody.

A worldwide boycott of Canadian seafood supported by a number of conservationists groups has cost the Canadian economy tens of millions of dollars, far in excess of the value of the skins removed from the baby seals and the male seal penises being sold to Asia for aphrodisiacs. The Canadian government continues to subsidize the slaughter with icebreakers that enable the sealers to approach the seals, despite the majority of Canadians that oppose the hunt, and are embarrassed by the worldwide negative publicity brought about by footage of the seal kill and celebrities like Paul and Heather McCartney speaking out against the kill.

When asked by a reporter if it would be okay to use violence against the seal killers if nothing else would stop them, Dr. Vlasak said, "I believe that violence in defense of innocent animals would be morally justified -and I am simply making the beliefs of thousands of animal rights activists public. Those very words got me ousted as a board member from Sea Shepherd, but I stand by them and without regret. If it were your baby or loved one being clubbed to death with a hac-a-pik, would violence in self-defense not be morally justified in order to stop it?"

For more information and footage of the seal kill, please call or e-mail the North American Animal Liberation Press Office at or the press office at 818.932-9997.

National Press Officers:
Lindy Greene-Southwest US
Camille Hankins-New York
Jerry Vlasak MD-Los Angeles

*****end repost*********

Please read the Win Animal Rights disclaimer at


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

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At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Dr. Vlasak had a little more to say about violence and animals than what you mentioned in your post. In 2003 Vlasak said "I don’t think you’d have to kill -- assassinate -- too many ... I think for 5 lives, 10 lives, 15 human lives, we could save a million, 2 million, 10 million non-human lives."

Now if someone was approaching me on the ice and I knew that he held those feelings I would do the same thing that sealer did. I think Dr. Vlasak might want to review the hippocratic oath again.


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